Statistic and Analysis of Any Twitter Profiles

Get engagement statistics for any pages, analyze competitors and generate comparative reports with activity insights

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Social media content analytics capabilities

Trusted Clients & Partners

Compare the engagement of tweets on any page

Access comprehensive engagement metrics and common activity statistics. Easily sort and filter tweets based on attachments, or check charts to identify the most popular post types for a page audience.

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How to check popularity of different tweets
Social Media Analytics

Check on key Twitter page metrics

Get average Engagement Rate, tweets Love Rate, common activity data, and other statistic. Charts about the most active time, most engagement posts by used words, statistic by days and 20+ more others charts for analysis.

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Competitors analysis of any Twitter pages

Make activity report about any Twitter page without administrator access. Comparative statistics and analysis based on public posts data. Analyze up to 10 pages the same moment with common charts and comparative table.

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Social media content analysis
Reporting tool for social media

Reports generating to PDF, PPTX or XLSX

Export all statistic data to PDF and PPTX with native vector-based charts. Raw statistics data or posts export to XLSX. Get ready Twitter pages report in seconds.

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Make your work more convenient

Use Popsters to make your daily tasks much more efficient and faster.

Twitter analysis software
Content checker by time of day for Twitter
Analysis of Twitter pages by likes
A useful tool for analyzing social media engagement in Twitter


Low prices for fast and convenient tool that helps to thousands users save time and make their job easier

See all plans
  • 1 social media
  • 7 days for test
  • 10 analyzes in trial
  • For 1 social network
  • Unlimited count of analyzes of any interested pages
  • Reports generating

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12 social networks for analyzing in one place

Don't need to have a big count of different tools and windows for work. Log In using interested social media and analyze it all at one window in the same feed, graphs and charts

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